Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Pentagon's New Watchdog

Service members enjoy the news of the day when they are deployed away from their stateside or overseas duty stations. The Stars and Stripes has continued a legacy of putting out a daily newspaper during every major conflict since the American Civil War.

From Forbes Magazine:

''We won't be ignored anymore,'' warns new Stars and Stripes editor Howard Witt.

Last June, veteran Chicago Tribune journalist Howard Witt took over as senior managing editor at Washington-based Stars and Stripes, the daily newspaper published for U.S. service members in 48 countries. Before that, Witt was a civil rights reporter in Houston and a foreign correspondent in Russia and South Africa. He was a Pulitzer finalist last year for reporting on racial tensions in Deep South towns, known as the "Jena 6" story.

Read more ....

My Comment: I am the first to admit that (recently) I was surprised by some of the stories that Stars And Stripes has been covering.

I definitely like this new look .... I definitely like the stories that they are covering .... and I can only hope that the good work that they are doing will continue.

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