Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Somali Piracy News Updates -- September 15, 2009

Piracy Off The Horn Of Africa -- Voice of America Editorial

The Gulf of Aden, off the Horn of Africa, through which some 33,000 commercial ships pass each year, is one of the world's busiest seaways – and one of the most dangerous. Since the beginning of this year, there have been 138 reported pirate attacks on commercial vessels, of which 33 were successful.

The United States government, in concert with the U.S. maritime industry and other concerned nations and international organizations, continues to work to prevent pirates operating in the waters of the Horn of Africa from interfering with maritime commerce, endangering mariners, hindering the provision of humanitarian aid to East Africa, and further destabilizing the troubled region.

Read more ....

More News On Somali Piracy

Multinational Force Keeps Pirates at Bay -- U.S. Defense Department
Anti-piracy forces boosted to forestall post-monsoon surge -- Financial Times
Better Maritime Coordination Suppresses Pirate Attacks -- War Is Boring
Coalition commander: We're ready for any piracy surge off Somalia -- Earth Times
Nations pledge funds toward Somali piracy fight -- AP
UN - Tackling scourge of piracy requires broader approach, UN official says -- Isria
UN calls for sharper campaign against piracy -- IOL
US signing anti-piracy agreement at UN for Somalia -- AP
US to sign anti-piracy document -- AFP
UN calls for global efforts to end piracy -- China View
Another banner pirate season -- Globe And Mail opinion

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