Friday, September 4, 2009

Straining Hard To Find A Peer Threat

Chinese air force pilots walk in front of J-10 fighter planes at a military base December 18, 2006. The air force has been equipped with the new generation of Jian-10 fighter, independently designed by China. The fighter is capable of launching "precision attacks while hedgehopping and making long-distance assaults at altitude above 10,000 metres." [Xinhua]

From New Wars:

Some in the Media will go to great links to justify continuing Cold War building policies, while our troops fight new wars in Afghanistan and elsewhere. For instance, the Wall Street Journal here is trying to “talk up” the threat posed by new and planned Chinese fighters:

China’s fifth-generation efforts date back to the early 1990s and will start with two heavy fighters from China’s two main fighter companies. A Chinese source told me in early 2005 that the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation, famous for developing the fourth-generation J-10 fighter, was considering the development of a medium-weight fifth-generation plane comparable to the F-35. This could mean that Chengdu’s fighter will be built in vertical take-off and aircraft carrier versions. In 2006, the competing Shenyang Aircraft Corporation revealed a concept for a single-engine forward-swept-wing fighter that would be highly maneuverable and potentially stealthy. It seems the PLA envisions two levels to its program: a heavy fighter for maintaining air superiority, and a medium-weight plane that’s cheaper and more versatile.

Read more ....

My Comment: Kudos to New wars ..... I could not have said it any better.

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