Friday, September 18, 2009

Two Articles That Expresses The Frustration Of The Military In Afghanistan

U.S. Army Capt. Gary McDonald identifies his position on a map while on a patrol in the mountains near Sar Howza in Paktika province, Afghanistan, Sept. 2, 2009. McDonald is a commander assigned to the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Smith

Military Growing Impatient With Obama On Afghanistan -- McClatchy News

WASHINGTON — Six months after it announced its strategy for Afghanistan, the Obama administration is sending mixed signals about its objectives there and how many troops are needed to achieve them.

The conflicting messages are drawing increasing ire from U.S. commanders in Afghanistan and frustrating military leaders, who're trying to figure out how to demonstrate that they're making progress in the 12-18 months that the administration has given them.

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Why Are We In The Helmand Province? -- Captain's Journal

In Helmand is a Sideshow – Or Not I addressed the charge that had been leveled in a WSJ article that Helmand was a sideshow to the real fight. Summarizing, the author said:

American forces have been waging a major offensive in the neighboring southern province of Helmand, the center of Afghanistan’s drug trade. Some U.S. military officials believe the Taliban have taken advantage of the American preoccupation with Helmand to infiltrate Kandahar and set up shadow local governments and courts throughout the city.

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My Comment: The McClatchy article reviews the history of the Obama administration on Afghanistan .... and it is harsh in its judgment. It is an accurate and thoughtful analysis of the contradictions and lack of leadership from the White House on a mission that they had originally declared vital to American interests. It is a must read.

The Captain's Journal's observations and analysis are also dead on. There are scores of Marines all over the world .... but none where they deserve to be .... which (he believes) should be in Afghanistan.

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