Friday, September 4, 2009

U.S. Intelligence -- Do Whatever It Takes, We'll Punish You Later

From Strategy Page:

September 2, 2009: Many politicians in Washington, and outside the U.S., are becoming nervous about how the new Democratic administration is planning to prosecute members of the previous Republican administration for supporting torture, and other policies developed during counter-terror operations. A growing number of politicians (from both parties) and government officials (both former, current and potential) see this as a move that could cripple government, now, and in the future (with an endless round of prosecutions). The Attorney General has announced that CIA operatives and supervisors will be investigated, and prosecuted if they are found to have committed acts that are now considered illegal.

Read more ....

My Comment: If my kids, nephew and/or niece come up to me to ask me if they should apply to work for the CIA, I would use this post from Strategy Page as a template to explain to them why they should not.

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