Friday, September 25, 2009

Who Is Going To Watch The Watchers

Darpa Spy Cams to Find Threats in ‘Weak Evidence’ -- The Danger Room

The military’s got spy drones and surveillance cameras all over Afghanistan, and they’re looking to add even more. But the heaps of footage are already more than analysts can handle. Now, the Pentagon’s launching a a new effort that will use computer programming to help human analysts and improve the speed and accuracy of spy-cam threat detection — even when there’s only “weak evidence” of an impending attack.

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My Comment: This is the newest in surveillance technology .... not an emphasis on hardware but a focus on software and data mining of information. This technology also opens up a Pandoras box on issues of privacy and what will be the limits to applying it back home. Google maps on ground level has shown what is capable .... but it appears that the military has perfected it to real time video and analysis .... in short .... having eyes everywhere and scanning everything 24/7, 365 days a year.

Welcome Brave New World.

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