Saturday, September 19, 2009

Will Activating Israel's Missile Defense Be The Time That Israel Strike's Iran's Nuclear Facilities?

Below: X-Band Radar placed under a weather protective dome. (Photo: Raytheon )

Israel Finds Strength in Its Missile Defenses -- Washington Post

Advanced System Could Alter Strategic Decisions in Region

ASHKELON, Israel -- As it pushes for international action against Iran's nuclear program, Israel is steadily assembling one of the world's most advanced missile defense systems, a multi-layered collection of weapons meant to guard against a variety of threats, including the shorter-range Grads used to strike Israeli towns like this one and intercontinental rockets.

The effort, partly financed by the United States and incorporating advanced American radar and other technology, has been progressing quietly for two decades. But Israeli defense and other analysts say it has now reached a level of maturity that could begin changing the nature of strategic decisions in the region.

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My Comment: I am sure that these missile defense systems are being looked at by Israeli political and military leaders as an important component in their plans to attack Iran. It will not make sense for them to implement any action against Iran until these systems are online. After they are online .... I am sure that is when anything becomes possible.

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