Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fallout From President Obama's Ractions To The Fort Hood Massacre Continues

Barack Obama 'Insensitive' Over His Handling Of Fort Hood Shooting -- Times Online

President Obama came in for growing criticism over the weekend for his “insensitive” handling of the bloody shoot-out in Fort Hood, Texas, where 13 people were killed by a Muslim officer in the US Army.

Mr Obama is not scheduled to arrive at America’s largest military base until tomorrow to attend a memorial service for victims of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who opened fire on a group of unarmed soldiers.

Read more ....

Previous Post: Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting -- Robert George, NBC Chicago

Update: Obama delays start of Asia trip to attend memorial -- Reuters

My Comment: His first remarks on the massacre at Fort Hood were insensitive and thoughtless (see above video). Having said that .... I am still willing to give him a pass.

My reason why is simple .... who knows on what is going through his mind right now .... but I do know that he has a lot of distractions. 10%+ unemployment .... and growing. Huge deficits as far as the eye can see. Major decisions to be made on Afghanistan. Economic growth is zero in the private sector. Middle East peace process is dead. Terrorist threats and threat level reports on his desk every morning. Social Security bankrupt. Medicare bankrupt. Pensions are broke and/or a fraction of what they once were. U.S. dollar in the crapper.

What is worse is that Former President Bush shows up at Fort Hood to meet the families .... no press permitted at his request. President Obama goes to Camp David for the weekend .... an image that you do not want to be publicized.

At least he is going to the Memorial on Tuesday .... with (of course) the press in tow.

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