Thursday, November 12, 2009

How To Fend Off A Pirate Attack

Suspected pirates arrested by the US navy in the Gulf of Aden on 11 February 2009
(Photo: Reuters)

From CNN:

London, England (CNN) -- Sailors who've been hijacked often say they never saw the pirates coming.

That's because pirates like to strike at dawn and dusk, when the light is lowest, sneaking up on ships in small skiffs at great speed.

"Sometimes it's not until the pirates have come over the helm that people realize they're under attack," Royal Navy Cmdr. John Harbour told CNN. Harbour is with the EU Naval Force (EU NAVFOR) that monitors the Horn of Africa.

"They often fire a Kalashnikov into the bridge [of the ship] to scare the crew. Sometimes they will go further and fire rocket-propelled grenades.

"Once they think the crew have their heads down, they will throw grappling hooks over the ledge with ropes and ladders to climb on board," he said.

The very first piece of advice we give is to keep a good look out."

Read more ....

My Comment: One day something terrible is going to happen, and these silly rules of conduct and how to respond to pirate attacks will change completely.

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