Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Huge Majority Oppose Civilian Trials For Al Qaeda Leaders

Possible venue for 9/11 Trails? Manhattan Federal Courthouse (Photo from Flickr)

CNN Poll: Americans Want KSM Tried In Military Court -- CNN

Washington (CNN) – Two-thirds of Americans disagree with the Obama administration's decision to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian court rather than a military court, according to a new national poll.

But six in 10 people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday say that the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks should be tried in the United States, as the administration plans to do, rather than at a U.S. facility in another country.

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My Comment: Only 64% oppose ... I expected a higher percentage. My prediction .... as more people become knowledgeable and aware of the consequences in having such trials .... this percentage is going to be north of 80%. If one of these murderers gets off .... expect this number to go north of 90%.

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