Friday, November 6, 2009

Our Leaders Fail Us ..... Again -- A WNU Commentary

MEDIC'S SALUTE - A first responder to a lone gunman's attack at Fort Hood, Texas, salutes after aiding his fellow soldiers, Nov. 5, 2009. U.S. Army photo by Jason R. Krawczyk

To my readers,

For the past week I have been very busy. Other projects and work deadlines to meet. Family obligations and responsibilities that need to be met. I am behind in writing my book (A historical examination of past COIN campaigns), and I have been fighting a cold for the past few days. The story of my life .... never having enough time.

And then the massacre at Fort Hood happened.

Puts everything about life into perspective. Makes one realize and appreciate how lucky we truly are.

I was traveling when my friend called me to tell me that the massacre had occurred. As a blogger with a large military readership, I was helpless because I was 6 hours away from my computer .... and this is a story that needs to be covered.

Fortunately, the coverage was extensive, with the internet being the best source of information and commentary. When I finally got in front of a computer, I was able to cobble together a summary of news stories and analysis .... but I wanted more than anything else to put down my own thoughts and opinions.

But I was too tired. The Fort Hood massacre is a depressing event because it happened at home .... where we all are suppose to be safe.

But we are not safe.

The reaction to this massacre from our political leaders has been a big disappointment. President Obama's recognition of the massacre came only after 2 minutes in a presentation in which (it seemed) the priority was to recognize certain Indian tribes for their contribution to their communities, his comments on the massacre only occurring after he had finished his comments to the Chiefs. Sigh .... the soldiers should have been the priority right away, not later. To say that this is poor judgment coming from the Commander in Chief is an understatement.

Congress also was a disappointment. On a day following what has become the greatest loss of life (ever) on an American base in the U.S., Congress went ahead oblivious to the outrage that had just occurred. I guess positioning the U.S. Government to nationalize health care is more important to them than 13 American soldiers who were murdered in this terrorist attack.

As for the main stream media .... the main stream media was .... well .... acting like they always do, oblivious to what had just happened and pushing their own agenda.

My prediction .... in the coming days and weeks there will be more information and more analysis on what had happened .... and then it will be forgotten in Washington and in the newsrooms across America.

But the majority of the American people will not forget .... and we will not forgive.

Our prayers are with the fallen and wounded heroes and their families tonight.

For more pictures on yesterday's events, the U.S. Defense Department has posted some

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