Friday, November 6, 2009

U.S. Allies Are Getting Frustrated Over President Obama's Indecision

A sea of crosses for servicemen killed in Afghanistan outside Westminster Abbey yesterday at the official opening of the Royal British Legion's Field of Remembrance. Getty

Frustration Mounts Over Obama's Fatal Indecision -- Independent

As Gordon Brown defends Britain's Afghan mission as US comes under pressure to decide on strategy.

Barack Obama is coming under mounting international pressure to make an early decision on his strategy in Afghanistan amid fears of a dangerous drift as he agonises over his next moves.

Today Gordon Brown will mount a strong defence of the British presence in Afghanistan. He will say that the training of Afghan security forces by British troops must continue despite the killing of five soldiers by a policeman this week. "We cannot, must not and will not walk away," he will declare. The Prime Minister will not enter the intense debate over whether the US President should approve a request from General Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, to send 40,000 more troops.

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My Comment: The European press has lost patience with President Obama. The Canadian press and public opinion is still giving the President a pass .... but this will (probably) not last for long.

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