Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 9, 2009

Gates Visits Troops In Afghanistan -- Voice of America

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates toured a new command headquarters Wednesday that serves as a joint operation center for all NATO combat troops.

U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has visited U.S. commanders in Afghanistan, assuring them that extra forces ordered by U.S. President Barack Obama will give them what they need to successfully defeat the Taliban.

Gates toured a new command headquarters Wednesday that serves as a joint operation center for all NATO combat troops. He told commanders that international forces "have all the pieces coming together to be successful" in the fight against violent extremists in the country.

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More News On Afghanistan

Gates tells troops in Afghanistan success in reach -- AFP
Karzai, Gates Agree Afghans Need Long-Term International Commitment -- Voice of America
Gates to US Troops: 'We're in... to Win' in Afghanistan -- Voice of America
Gates promises to keep focus on Afghan civilian safety -- L.A. Times
Gates warns US may have to bankroll Afghanistan for 20 years -- Times Online

Karzai Says Army Will Need Help Until 2024 -- New York Times
Afghanistan Will Need US Help for 15 to 20 Years, Karzai Says -- L.A. Times
Winning hearts and wallets in Afghanistan -- CNN

US Seeks New Guards in Kabul -- Wall Street Journal
Afghanistan: U.S. to Drop Contractor -- New York Times

Afghan gov't says NATO attack killed 6 civilians -- AP
General: Attack may have killed Afghan civilians -- AP
ISAF denies civilian casualty claimed in E. Afghanistan -- China View
Afghans shout 'death to America' after civilian deaths -- Asia One/AFP

Liam Fox: Nato allies should help pay for British mission in Afghanistan
-- The Telegraph
NATO War Costs Should Be Spread, U.K. Opposition Says -- Bloomberg
Doubts over political support for Britain’s mission in Afghanistan -- The Telegraph

Some Afghans Trust Taliban Shadow Gov't -- CBS News
Lawmakers slam office overseeing Afghan rebuilding -- AP

Canada preparing a military role in Afghanistan beyond 2011, say experts --
Afghanistan pullout 'daunting': defence chief -- CBC

Commentaries And Opinions

The fog of withdrawal: Does anyone really understand what will happen in July 2011? -- Eric T. Olson, New York Daily News
What They're Saying In the Taliban War Room About Obama's Plan -- Walid Phares, FOX News
Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan has many flaws -- Hasina Rasult, Kansas City
Afghanistan's way forward must include the Taliban -- Azeem Ibrahim, L.A. Times

As Abe Lincoln watches, President Obama met with U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, left, and General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, in the Oval Office on Monday. (White House/Pete Souza)

More News On General McChrystal's And Ambassador Eikenberry's Testimony On Capital Hill Yesterday

US officials predict success for new Afghan plan -- Yahoo News/AP
Surge to break Taliban momentum in a year: US general -- AFP
McChrystal vows to turn Afghan tide -- Financial Times
General Offers Assurances on Afghan War -- Washington Post
Two Top Aides Show Unity on Afghan Strategy -- New York Times
McChrystal Expects Effects of Surge Within a Year -- Wall Street Journal
McChrystal Says he Backs Obama's Afghan Timetable -- Washington Times
McChrystal Says Pieces in Place for Success -- U.S. Department of Defense
McChrystal Calls Afghan Training Crucial to Mission Success -- U.S. Department of Defense
Eikenberry Stresses Civilian Component in Afghanistan -- U.S. Department of Defense
McChrystal backs Afghan plan to skeptical Congress -- Yahoo News/AP
U.S. commander, envoy unite behind Afghan strategy -- Yahoo News/Reuters
McChrystal Confident of Progress in 18 months -- ABC News
McChrystal supports new strategy in Afghanistan -- AP
General: Pakistani help could defeat Afghan gang -- AP
Men behind Obama’s surge, McChrystal and Eikenberry, put on united front -- Times Online
Top U.S. General, Envoy In Afghanistan Defend Surge -- NPR
Obama's Line in the Afghan Sand -- CBS
US Gen Stanley McChrystal backs US surge in Afghanistan -- BBC
McChrystal, Eikenberry project united front -- Politico
McChrystal and Eikenberry on the Hill -- Washington Post
A Wrap-Up Of The Second McChrystal/Eikenberry Hearing -- Attackerman
FACTBOX: Quotes from U.S. lawmakers on Afghan policy -- Reuters
McChrystal/Eikenberry Testimony Today -- Abu Muquwama

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