Friday, December 11, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- December 11, 2009

US Marines on patrol in Lakari in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. Photo AFP

US Rushing Troops, Supplies To Afghanistan -- AFP

WASHINGTON — Engineers are working furiously to prepare for a surge of troops and supplies into Afghanistan to carry out President Barack Obama's war plan, the top US military officer said.

"The debate is over. The decision has been made. It is time to execute," Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a press conference in Washington.

Hundreds of Marines would be in southern Helmand province next week, tonnes of supplies were due to be delivered and the military was "accelerating deployment plans for the rest of the extended surge forces," Mullen said.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

U.S.: 16,000 U.S. Troops Received Afghan Orders -- Radio Free Europe
US Military: Afghan Surge Begins Next Week -- Voice of America
Mullen: Afghanistan debate is over, it's time to move out -- Christian Science Monitor
Army, Marines Adjust ‘Reset’ for Afghan Buildup -- U.S. Department of Defense
Surge Will Provide All Forces Needed, Mullen Says -- U.S. Department of Defense
Obama Promises Conditions-based Afghanistan Transition -- U.S. Department of Defense
Obama: No 'Precipitous Drawdown' of US Forces in Afghanistan -- Voice of America

US Officials Pressed on Afghan Government Capabilities, Efforts Against al-Qaida -- Voice of America
US general rules out ‘hot pursuit’ into Pakistan -- Dawn
US Marines train illiterate farmers to be police -- Yahoo News/AP

German Defense Minister Visits Afghanistan -- New York Times
German defense minister visits Afghanistan -- AP
German defence minister in surprise Afghan visit -- AFP

UN envoy to Afghanistan to step down -- Yahoo News/AFP
U.N. Afghan envoy to step down on schedule in March -- Yahoo News/Reuters
West Urges Afghanistan to Delay Election -- Wall Street Journal
Afghan Women Lead Protest Against Government Corruption -- L.A. Times
Gates, Clinton to testify on cost of Afghan surge -- Reuters
Fox News Poll: Americans Support Obama's Afghan Strategy -- FOX News

US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 857 -- AP

Commentaries And Analysis

A Deadline We Can Believe In? -- New York Times opinions
A continued surge -- Stephen J. Hadley, Washington Post
Advantage: Taliban -- Ahmed Rashid, New York Times
The Nine Surges of Obama's War -- CBS News
Obama ‘Unambiguous’ on July 2011 -- New York Times
Why Pakistan's old jihadis pose new threat – at home and in Afghanistan -- Christian Science Monitor

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