Sunday, December 6, 2009

Are U.S. Drones Now Targeting The Afghan Taliban Leader?

Bombs are offloaded from a Reaper. Drone data will provide "the option to arrest the individual, talk ... [or] take them out with a Hellfire missile," a military official says. (Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times)

Will US Drones Start Attacking Mullah Omar In Pakistan? -- Christian Science Monitor

The Pakistani press is rife with reports that the US will expand its drone attacks into Balochistan Province where the Taliban leader is thought to be hiding.

Are US Predator drones coming for Mullah Omar, the elusive, one-eyed leader of the Taliban? Mr. Omar has been in hiding since 2001, when US-led forces toppled his Taliban regime in Afghanistan. He remains one of the US military's top targets, along with Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri.

Legend says Omar fled to Balochistan province in Pakistan, which lies just miles from his former base in Kandahar, Southern Afghanistan. Today, one of Pakistan's most controversial rumors is that Omar is hiding in plain sight in or around Quetta, the province's capital, perhaps with the knowledge – and even support – of Pakistan's intelligence agency.

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My Comment: If true .... this is long overdue. Mullah Omar has never had an interest to talk to and/or discuss with NATO/Afghan Government officials on a peace deal for Afghanistan. His sole purpose ha always been to kick out the foreigners and overthrow the Kabul Government .... nothing less, nothing more. His demise will impact the leadership of the Taliban significantly, and it will make our job in Afghanistan much easier.

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