Thursday, December 10, 2009

China’s Economic Power Unsettles The Neighbors

From The New York Times:

PASARKEMIS, Indonesia — In the Dickensian depths of the Dunia Metal Works here, all is cacophony: the bam bam bam of grease-drenched punches; the rhythmic clank of unspooling steel wire; the storm and stress of glinting, freshly minted nails cascading onto a broad metal table for boxing.

But for all the industrial din, Dunia is undergoing a painful slump. Today it runs at 40 percent of its capacity, its domestic nail business imperiled — and its exports wiped out — by cheaper Chinese alternatives.

Read more ....

My Comment: If China's economic power unsettles them, just think how much China's growing military power raises the concerns in these countries.

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