Friday, December 11, 2009

Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Is Being Sought By President Obama

Test Ban Treaty Sought -- Washington Times

The Obama administration has launched a new effort to win ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, known as CTBT, which was voted down by the Senate in 1999.

The effort is being led by Jon Wolfsthal, an arms-control specialist at two think tanks until he became a national-security aide to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and a staffer on the White House National Security Council in January.

Mr. Wolfsthal was making the rounds in the Senate on Wednesday, checking to see if the administration can drum up the 67 votes needed - a two-thirds majority - to ratify the treaty, which prevents underground nuclear tests.

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My Comment: The Obama Administration is over reaching .... with all that they have on their plate .... they now want to go after this?

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