Monday, December 28, 2009

Everyone Is To Be Blamed For Leak Of U.S. Nuclear Data .... But No One will Be Punished

US nuclear sites (Image from Wikimedia)

U.S. Agencies Faulted By GAO For Leak Of Nuclear Data -- Washington Post

Five government agencies, the National Security Council and two congressional offices all share blame for the inadvertent publication of sensitive information regarding hundreds of civilian nuclear sites, government watchdogs concluded Wednesday.

Though the release of the information does not appear to have jeopardized national security, government officials agree that it should not have been published in June on the Web site of the Government Printing Office, the Government Accountability Office reported.

Read more ....

My Comment: The key sentence in this report is the following ....

Experts said the incident proves yet again that the government needs to reform how it handles sensitive information.

But I am betting that nothing is going to be done .... and we will have a repeat of the same story in the near future.

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