Sunday, December 27, 2009

Failed Detonator Is What Saved Northwest Flight On Christmas Day

Drama: The moment the bomber was taken into custody, as captured on a mobile phone

Officials: Only A Failed Detonator Saved Northwest Flight -- ABC News

Screening Machines May Need to Be Replaced; Al Qaeda Aware of 'Achilles heel'

Officials now say tragedy was only averted on Northwest flight 253 because a makeshift detonator failed to work properly.

Bomb experts say there was more than enough explosive to bring down the Northwest jet, which had nearly 300 people aboard, had the detonator not failed, and the nation's outdated airport screening machines may need to be upgraded.

Read more ....

Update: Why was he ever allowed to fly? Syringe bomber had been barred from Britain, was on a terror list and even his father had warned U.S. -- Daily Mail

My Comment: To say that the crew and passengers of this flight were very very very lucky .... such a statement would be an understatement.

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