Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hamas Is Preparing For War

Photo: A Kassam rocket crew in Gaza [file]:. Channel 2 [file]

Hamas Preparing Advanced Rockets And 'Offensive' Tunnels -- Jerusalem Post

Israel is likely to face advanced Iranian weaponry, long-range rockets, large missile silos and dozens of kilometers of underground tunnels connecting open fields with urban centers in the event of a future conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, according to the latest Israeli assessments.

Since Operation Cast Lead ended almost a year ago, Hamas has increased its weapons smuggling and today operates hundreds of tunnels along the Philadelphi Corridor. It has smuggled in dozens of long-range Iranian-made rockets that can reach Tel Aviv as well as advanced anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles.

Read more ....

My Comment: In the Gaza war last year, Hamas and their allies quickly learned one important lesson .... the Israelis have better weapons. I predicted that once the Gaza war had stopped, the priority for Hamas would be to rebuild its military and to acquire better weapons.

If the Jerusalem Post story is to be believed .... it appears that they are making forward progress.

But what gets me boiling mad is that while this arms buildup by Hamas is continuing, we in the West are now being asked to feed and to take care of the families that these same Hamas officials have all but ignored to focus on their military objectives. My bet .... we the taxpayers are only providing the goods and resources that will make the next war all but inevitable.

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