Monday, December 21, 2009

Impending Deadlines And Startegies On Iran

Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant (file photo)

STRATFOR On Iran -- Information Dissemination

There is some buzz about the STRATFOR report this morning titled: The Iranian Incursion in Context. I note that what makes this report most interesting is that George Friedman glossed over the context used to form the analysis. In studying the report, it is important to note this Intelligence Report is just as much news as it is intelligence, because they are quoting sources no other media source has.

For example, where the hell did this come from?

Multiple sources have reported that Tehran ordered the incident. The Iranian government is aware that Washington has said the end of 2009 was to be the deadline for taking action against Iran over its nuclear program — and that according to a White House source, the United States could extend that deadline to Jan. 15, 2010.

Read more ....

More News On The Shifting Of Deadlines On Iran

Obama aide Axelrod fudges Dec. 31 deadline for Iran on nuclear weapons
-- L.A. Times
McCain on Iran: ‘Time is Running Out’ -- ABC News
EU Sets Deadline for Iran to Resume Nuclear Talks -- Bloomberg
EU gives Iran six-week deadline to return to talks -- Irisih Times
Iran deadline still year-end - White House -- Reuters

My Comment: The above is just a small collection of what has been constantly shifting deadlines for Iran to comply to international demands on its nuclear program.

My prediction .... expect another shift in the deadline next month.

As to what is my opinion on Stratfor's analysis on Iran .... it is sound with the limited information that is coming out of Washington, Iran, and elsewhere. But in the end, the decision on what to do will come from President Obama, Iran, and Israel .... and for the moment .... President Obama and Israel are only now starting to weigh and sort out their options.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A hudna exists only to allow the muslims to regroup and rearm and attack again. It was never meant to be lasting. All this talk will not deter the muslims from attacking Israel to bring about the return of the 12th Imam and to think otherwise is to be ignorant of the religion and the people. War will come sooner or later when they are ready so why wait until they really have a nuke to do the job. If you are going to hit them - hit them before they are armed with weapons to do even more damage when they do attack?