Thursday, December 10, 2009

Iran News Updates -- December 10, 2009

Three missiles rise into the air as a forth remains in the launcher on the ground during a test-firing in an undisclosed location in the Iranian desert. Photograph: AFP/Getty images

Experts Say Iran Has Clear Path To Nuclear Weapons -- Jerusalem Post

Last week the Harvard Kennedy School held a simulation game of the Iranian nuclear crisis, and Israel should be very concerned about its course and its outcome.

The game made it clear: Iran will not stop on its path to producing nuclear weapons. The United States will not embark on a military action and will find it difficult to enlist support at the United Nations for imposing more severe sanctions, while relations between Israel and the United States will deteriorate.

Read more ....

More News On Iran

'Iran can now produce nuclear bomb' -- Jerusalem Post
Nuclear row: Tehran threatens to target Israel -- The Guardian
Iran Says it Will Strike Israel's Nuclear Sites if Attacked -- FOX News
Iranian minister threatens Israel in the event of any 'threat' -- Jerusalem Post
Iran: Seismic Station in Turkmenistan Built for 'Spying' -- Voice of America

Iran intel chief warns of extent of opposition -- AP
Iran's intelligence minister hits out at Rafsanjani -- Reuters
Iran Intelligence Minister Hits At Rafsanjani -- Radio Free Europe

Government Promises Students More Death Sentences -- Strategy Page
Amnesty: Iran violations worst in 20 years -- Jerusalem Post
Iran's Democratic Moment -- Amir Taheri, Wall Street Journal

Iran Accuses US and Saudis of Kidnapping a Nuclear Scientist -- L.A. Times
Iran, Saudi Arabia tensions rise over missing scientist -- Miami Herald/McClatchy News

World powers could hold Iran meeting next week -- AP
Russia says it remains opposed to sanctions against Iran -- China View

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