Thursday, December 3, 2009

Is Lebanon Becoming A Terrorist State?

From The Jerusalem Post:

When Lebanon's President Michel Suleiman comes to Washington next week, he plans to ask for increased military aid for a government that just gave a terrorist group responsible for killing hundreds of Americans free rein to wage war on Israel.

His government last week granted Hizbullah, the Shi'ite group that the US and most Western nations consider a terrorist organization, the right to "liberate occupied territories" - read Israel - as it wishes.

Read more ....

More News On Lebanon

Lebanese Cabinet lets Hezbollah keep its weapons -- AP
Lebanon Government Lets Hezbollah Keep Weapons -- Voice of America
Lebanese cabinet endorses Hezbollah's right to weapons -- BBC
Hezbollah to continue arming to fight Israel -- AP
Hezbollah cuts Islamist rhetoric in new manifesto -- Reuters
Lebanon cabinet adopts policy statement -- AFP
LEBANON: New Hezbollah platform reflects party's shift to domestic politics -- L.A. Times

1 comment:

bathmate said...

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