Sunday, December 20, 2009

Memo To U.S. Soldiers In Iraq: Do Not Get Pregnant

U.S. Personnel In Iraq Could Face Court-Martial For Getting Pregnant -- Stars And Stripes

The Army general commanding U.S. forces in northern Iraq has added pregnancy to the list of prohibitions for personnel under his command.

The policy, which went into effect Nov. 4, makes it possible to face punishment, including a court-martial and jail time, for becoming pregnant or impregnating a servicemember, according to the wording of the policy and confirmations from Army officials.

Read more

Update: General defends court martial for pregnant soldiers -- BBC

My Comment: There is no messing around on this order .... it even involves married couples.

I may be wrong, but I think that this is the first time that the US Army has made pregnancy a punishable offense.

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