Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Chief Takes Charge At The U.N. Nuclear Agency

Yukiya Amano, the new director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, at a news briefing Tuesday in Vienna. Herwig Prammer/Reuters

From The New York Times:

A new top inspector took charge Tuesday of the International Atomic Energy Agency as it faces one of the most turbulent periods in its 52-year history.

Yukiya Amano, 62, is a career diplomat and lawyer who served as Japan’s representative to the agency until his selection as director general in July. He inherits crises with Iran and North Korea, as well as the weakening of the global security system meant to curtail the spread of nuclear weapons.

Read more ....

My Comment: He is no Mohamed ElBaradei, and as such I expect him to be more "confrontational" towards aspiring nuclear powers like Iran and North Korea.

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