Saturday, December 26, 2009

Pentagon Eyes Shared Modernization Package For Navy, Air Force Warheads

From Global Security Newswire:

WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Defense Department is exploring how it might devise a single nuclear warhead modernization package that could be used for updating different weapons in both the Navy and Air Force arsenals, according to a senior official (see GSN, Nov. 20).

The Obama administration's Nuclear Posture Review -- a major assessment of atomic strategy, forces and readiness due to Congress by February -- might include such a joint-service, warhead life-extension effort as one of its key recommendations, defense officials tell Global Security Newswire.

Read more ....

My Comment: The U.S. Defense Department is now focusing on how to save money .... expect the U.S. nuclear forces be one of the departments on top of the list.

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