Friday, December 11, 2009

Super Soldier Updates

From The Next Big Future:

DARPA has a program that is spending about $3 billion to create super soldiers. Here is an update of technology that is ready or is becoming deployable or usable for the purpose of creating super soldiers. Much of it is not from DARPA.

1. The Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC™) exoskeleton runs on Li-ion batteries, driving lightweight hydraulic legs with titanium structure. A wearer can hang a 200lb backpack from the back frame and heavy chest armour and kit from shoulder extensions.

According to Lockheed reps the HULC isn't ready for prime time yet, being still "in ruggedisation". However the company would envisage giving it to actual soldiers so as to get their input from the summer of 2010.

Read more ....

My comment: An excellent summary from the "Next Big Future".

1 comment:

Sanem said...

I was thinking about this last night. Making soldiers faster and stronger is nice, but it still doesn't fix getting shot in the head by sniper fire, or stepping on a mine.

They should just leave the soldiers out of it completely, and focus on drones. No risking of allied lives, and it'll be cheaper in medial costs alone.