Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Texas Troops Going To War

Photo: Spc. Jacqueline Castro, 20, of El Paso, high-fives Spc. Savanna Garcia, 23, during a game of Scrabble on her computer, as Spc. Migdalia Cabrera, 20 of Houston, views the game. The three soldiers are about to embark on their first deployment to Iraq. Mayra Beltran Chronicle

Texas Troops Deployed -- Houston Chronicle

Soldiers make one last stop before arriving in Iraq.

PERSIAN GULF — Spc. Migdalia Cabrera clutched a teddy bear in her right hand and an M-4 rifle in her left.

In a few hours, the 20-year-old Texas Army National Guard soldier from Houston and the chocolate-brown teddy bear named Jonathan would be boarding a plane to Baghdad to start a nine-month mission in Iraq.

It was Cabrera's first deployment, and she was a little nervous.

Read more ....

My Comment: Teddy bears????


But what strikes me is the age of these soldiers. When 9/11 happened they were still kids .... and now they are soldiers who are going to war.

Fortunately, Iraq is not the war zone that it use to be.

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