Sunday, December 6, 2009

Unrest In Iran Expected Tomorrow

An Internet user tries to log onto Facebook in Tehran. Photo AFP

Iran’s Students Prepare For Battle As Regime Imposes Students’ Day Crackdown -- Times Online

December 7 is traditionally the date when the Iranian Government stages rallies to commemorate the deaths of three student demonstrators killed by the Shah’s security forces in 1953. The tables have now turned. Today the security forces will attempt to crush student demonstrations against its own brutality and repression.

On campuses across Iran, students outraged by the regime’s alleged theft of the presidential election in June, and the subsequent suppression of the opposition, will attempt to hijack the state-sponsored Students’ Day rallies — just as they did last month’s commemoration of the US embassy siege and the annual Palestinian solidarity rallies in September. The regime cannot cancel these events without losing face, but it is doing its utmost to stop today’s protests.

Read more ....

More News On The Unrest In Iran

Iran bans foreign media from rally fearing protests -- BBC
Iran prepares for Students Day protests -- CNN
Rafsanjani accuses Iran rulers of 'intolerance' -- AFP
Iran braces for Student Day protests -- AFP
Iran's Supreme Leader Blames West for Student Protests -- Voice of America
Iran: Tensions Rise as Student Day Approaches -- Global Voice Online
Iran Limits Internet Access Ahead Of Protests -- Huffington Post
ANALYSIS: Iran's belligerence masks instability -- Washington Times

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