Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why Are Canadians Fighing With Islamic Extremists In Somalia?

Abu Huraira mosque in North York

They Are Born In Canada, Educated, From Respected Families And They Might Be Fighting For The Shadowy al-Shabab -- The Globe And Mail

The photos were laid out one after another, headshots of five young Somali-Canadian men who disappeared in mid-October.

The man from the East Africa desk of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service asked anguished parents the usual questions: Do you recognize any of the men in these pictures? Did you know them, or did your son? Did anything change in his life recently? Any indication of new friends or new interests?

Read more ....

My Comment: From my own personal experience, most families who immigrate to Canada end up adopting Canadian cultural values within a few years. They may still maintain their own language and religious beliefs, but the Canadian identity is always quickly accepted and fiercely defended. There are exceptions to the rule, but they are rare and far between.

The second generation (of which I am one of them) usually adopts Canadian values and cultural traditions without hesitation or doubt. If there are exceptions ... it is second generation children from Islamic countries or children from South West Asia ... but then again ... these are very rare.

For these Somali - Canadian youths, I am almost convinced it is because of religious reasons .... influenced by Islamic clerics that preach extreme Islamic beliefs .... that these youths have decided to forgo the country of their birth to pursue a cause for jihad.

My worry .... is that these radical youths will come back to Canada. We in Canada have already had a few close calls of Islamic terrorism .... but we all know that it only be a matter of time before this radicalism starts to manifest itself successfully against us at home.

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