Sunday, December 27, 2009

Will Civil War Return To Nigeria's Oil Delta Region

Growing Disenchantment Threatens Nigeria's Peace Process -- Voice Of America

Nigeria's fragile truce with rebels in the oil-rich Niger Delta appears to be under serious threat. Former militants are protesting the non-payment of allowances and militants have blown up an oil pipeline in a "warning strike" over delays in peace talks.

More than 8,000 Nigerian armed youths gave up their weapons and embraced an amnesty offered by the government in a bid to end years of conflict in the oil-producing Niger Delta.

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More News On The Faltering Peace Process In Nigeria's Oil Delta Region

Truce in Nigeria’s oil region starts to unravel -- UPI
Activist: Peace in jeopardy in Nigeria -- UPI
Protests over amnesty delays hit Nigeria oil delta -- Reuters
Absent leader leaves Lagos on edge - analysts -- IOL
In Nigeria, an Ailing President and Peace Process -- Time Magazine
Nigeria's Ailing President Under Pressure to Resign -- Voice of America

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