Wednesday, December 9, 2009

World News Briefs -- December 9, 2009 (Evening Edition)

Developing Countries Split Over Climate Measures -- BBC

A major split between developing countries has emerged at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Small island states and poor African nations vulnerable to climate impacts laid out demands for a legally-binding deal tougher than the Kyoto Protocol.

This was opposed by richer developing states such as China, which fear tougher action would curb their growth.

Read more ....


Egypt starts building steel wall on Gaza Strip border.

Right-wing Israelis protest against West Bank settlement freeze.

Iran protest continues, under siege.

Baghdad bombs kill 127 as Iraq vote is set. String of bombings kills at least 127 in Iraq. Iraqi MPs press ministers on security after bombings.

Iran: UN observatory near border is spy station.

Share Jerusalem with the Palestinians, European Union tells Israel.

Yemen army advance on Houthi rebels in Saada.


Violent protests shut down high-tech Indian city.

630 members of Japan's ruling party headed to China this week.

Report: Japan suspends talks about US Air Base. Japan suspends talks on where to move a US Air Base. Japan to give U.S. a plan on Air Base.

US envoy makes rare visit to North Korea.

Afghanistan will need U.S. help for 15 to 20 years, Karzai says.

Philippine clan killed at least 200: rights chief.

Population report: Taiwan birthrate now world's lowest.


Ireland's abortion law challenged in European court.

Guinea accuses France of complicity in shooting.

Death penalty for gays? Uganda debates proposal.

Morocco, Spain discuss future of expelled Western Sahara activist.


UK slaps tax on bankers' bonuses ahead of election.

Sarkozy defends Switzerland minaret ban.

Officials: Russian nightclub fire toll hits 124.

Russian authorities foil 81 terror acts in N.Caucasus in 2009.


Peru army plans arms purchase, tests Chinese tanks.

Honduran anti-drug chief

Report: Brazil police killed more than 11,000.

Drug war abuses by Mexican army rise sharply.

Honduran President - Elect Lobo wants coup amnesty.


Al-Qaeda 'holds French and Spanish hostages in Africa'.

Accused terrorist bridged two different worlds.

TSA accidentally reveals airport security secrets.

FBI to probe panels that reviewed e-mails from alleged Fort Hood gunman.


Greece downgraded over high debt.

Administration extends $700B bailout until Oct.

New Obama plans: 'spend our way out' of downturn.

Obama administration predicts $30B loss on auto bailout.

U.S. already $292 bln in the red this year - CBO.

Britain to levy a one-time tax on banker bonuses.

U.K., U.S. top Aaa ratings tested by debt burdens, Moody’s says.

TARP report: Good for Wall Street, not Main Street.

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