Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Christian - Muslim Warfare Breaks Out In Nigeria

Nigeria Religious Riots 'Kill Scores' In Jos -- BBC

At least 149 people have been killed during two days of violence between Christian and Muslim gangs in the Nigerian city of Jos, officials say.

Mosque workers and Muslim clerics told reporters of the deaths as they prepared for a mass burial.

The death toll has not been verified independently and it is not known how many Christians have died.

Nigeria's vice-president has ordered troops to help police restore order and also dispatched top security officials.

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More News On Nigeria

Nearly 200 die in fresh Nigeria religious clashes -- AFP
Scores die in Nigeria religious violence -- CNN
Nigerian Army ordered in as 200 die in Christian-Muslim riots -- Times Online
Dozens killed as Muslim and Christian gangs clash in Nigeria -- The Telegraph
Nigeria's religious wars flare again -- UPI
Nigeria: How Jos Crisis Began - By Man On the Spot -- AllAfrica
Religious Violence Flares Again in Nigerian City -- Voice of America
What's behind Christian-Muslim fighting in Nigeria? -- Christian Science Monitor

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