Tuesday, January 19, 2010

F-35 News Updates -- January 19, 2010

F-35 C US Navy and Royal Navy. Photo from Defesanet.

F-35 Fighter Program Gets More Bad News In Navy Report -- McClatchy News

Storms and turbulence continue to buffet Lockheed Martin's F-35 joint strike fighter program, as observers in the military, political and investment arenas keep a close watch for progress — or the lack of it.

Close on the heels of reports that the Pentagon plans to cut F-35 orders over the next several years, an internal Navy study leaked last week drove a new wave of speculation in the defense and aerospace industries.

Read more ....

More News On F-35

Forward Observer: F-35 Challenges Gates -- Government Observer
Navy F-35 study has fueled new speculation in the defense industry -- Star-Telegram
F-35 Beginning To Fade -- Strategy Page
El Mirage airs F-35 concerns -- Daily News-Sun
USN officials raise concern about F-35 affordability -- Flight Global
Lockheed Martin in talks with Pentagon on F-35 profits -- Star Telegram
LeMieux calls for no delays in F-35 production -- NWF Daily News
MoD to slash jet fighter orders as it struggles to save aircraft programme -- The Guardian
Japan, U.S. mull F-35 project -- Japan Times
Getting Ready for Takeoff -- Defense News
JSF passes another key test -- Marine Times
US Future STOVL Capability Enters the Next Round -- Defence Professionals
F-35B Conducts First Test of the STOVL Propulsion System -- Defense Update
Advanced Photonix, Inc. Wins Terahertz Contract to Develop F-35 QC System -- PR Newswire
Wrong again -- ELP Defens(c)e Blog

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