Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is Al Qaeda Planning A Spectacular Terror Attack To Gain Credibility And Legitimacy In The Islamic World?

Al-Qaeda Is Losing. Prepare For A Daring Hit -- Times Online

The latest supposed message from Osama bin Laden underlines his weakness, not his strength.

‘God willing, our raids on you will continue,” said Osama bin Laden — or someone purporting to be him — in a message broadcast on al-Jazeera over the weekend. The blunt message to “Obama from Osama” is intended to reaffirm that, despite Barack Obama’s overtures to the Islamic world, he and his country remain infidels, every bit as evil as they were under George W. Bush.

But ignore the bloodcurdling rhetoric. That bin Laden was reduced to claiming that the failed Christmas Day attempt to blow up an airliner was comparable to 9/11 is a sign of al-Qaeda’s current parlous state. The new recording also revealed another weakness: al-Qaeda fears that it is losing the battle for hearts and minds.

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My Comment: There is some legitimacy in this observation. Throughout history, wars usually became more bloodier at the end when one side realizes that they are losing, and the other realizes that they are winning. Can this also happen for religious extremist groups like Al Qaeda? .... I guess only time will tell, but from my point of view I would have to say yes.

Al Qaeda is slowly becoming a "lesser" influence in Islamic circles. It is probably bleeding resources to stay alive in Pakistan, and what support it has in the rest of the world has now either been eliminated and/or are in hiding. To regain credibility and "popularity" a daring and spectacular attack will need to be done .... an assassination of a key political figure and/or a 9/11 incident that is equal to and/or greater would probably accomplish such a goal. But implementing such an objective in today's "heightened security aware world" is probably more easier said than done .... a fact that I can only hope will not diminish with time.

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