Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Is India Preping For War With China And Pakistan

India’s Controversial New War Doctrine -- ISN

Indian Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor has attracted much attention with his suggestion at a training command seminar that India is preparing for a 'two-front' war with Pakistan and China, Harsh V Pant comments for ISN Security Watch.

General Kapoor underlined that this was being done as part of the larger process whereby the Indian army was revising its old war-fighting doctrine and bringing it in sync with the emerging strategic scenario so as to be able to successfully firm up its ‘Cold Start’ strategy.

Read more ....

My Comment: My initial response to a scenario of all three countries going to war is nil .... there is no possibility that an armed conflict involving a third of humanity can possibly break out in today's world.

However .... when I reflect on the history of these three countries .... you cannot help but realize that there has been nothing but war and conflict between all sides. What is worse, is that the reasons that caused these wars and conflicts in the past are still there.

India's Doctrine is an understandable one, and I would not be surprise if both Pakistan and China have similar "doctrines".


Sanem said...

if China does go to war with India they'd probably do it through Pakistan, who'd be more than willing if given enough new tech and "advisors"

China would just have to post its own military along the China-India border "for security reasons", drawing away Indian forces from the fight with Pakistan

and ofcourse use untraceable cyber warfare to undermine the Indian effort

Anonymous said...

Why two fronts only !

War and Peace are two sides of the same coin. War fighting doctrines are a matter of possibilities, strenghts, capacities and intentions.

India has seven neighbours and the eighth ones are Jehadies who constantly threaten Indian security internally. So any security manger for India must thing of and plan for Eight Front war.

Well have not they done it earlier ? Or have not they been doing so? 1971 war was managed on four fronts with Colombo active helping Pakistan, Chinese moving their Army on Indian Northern borders and internal situation in Nagaland remaining volatile.

Any realistic war fighting doctrine has to take that account. What is alarming about it. Indian Army chief has to talk like a Chief and not a politician.