Sunday, January 24, 2010

Is Sweden Becoming A Hotbed For Somali Extremists?

Sweden Rattled By Somali Militants In Its Midst -- Washington Post

STOCKHOLM -- Ten subway stops from downtown Stockholm is "little Mogadishu," a drab suburb of the Swedish capital where radical Islamists are said to be recruiting the sons of Somali immigrants for jihad in the Horn of Africa.

Police and residents say about 20 have joined al-Shabab, an al-Qaida-linked group waging a bloody insurgency against Somalia's government, and many of them came from the suburb of Rinkeby - the heart of Sweden's Somali community. According to SAPO, the Swedish state security police, five of them have been killed and 10 are still at large in Somalia.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Swedes opened their doors to Somalis and others as an act of compassion .... but almost everyone did not calculate the consequences if these immigrants choose not to accept the cultural norms of Sweden.

They are calculating the consequences now.

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