Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- January 19, 2010

The Navy’s New Grand Strategy Pt 1 -- New Wars

With the impending withdrawal of US Forces from Iraq, and probably soon from Afghanistan however the land battle there goes, we pass from the grueling phase of major combat into one of watchful vigilance. As in all past conflicts in American history, the Navy will gain a renewed importance to maintain the peace. This is natural and expected post-combat as the troops return home and defense budget’s tighten in a war-weary society. As Retired Vice Adm. Kevin Cosgriff cautions us, however:

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Dutch to build ship that Canada mulled for 6 years -- CTV

JSF - Navy Ready To Abandon Ship? -- Ares/Aviation Week

Korean Navy Planes Fail to Get US Sensor -- Korea Times

Army Reserve prepares for post-conflict requirements
-- defense Talk

A Sonic Blaster So Loud, It Could Be Deadly -- The Danger Room

Soldiers See Through Walls -- Military.com

Italy investigates loss of upgraded Predator UAV -- Flight Global

Why Send UAV Operators To Flight School -- Strategy Page

Cyber Situational Awareness -- Defense Tech

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