Monday, January 25, 2010

A Reporter's Journey Back To Baghdad

CBS Reporter Kimberly Dozier, Injured In Iraq Bombing, Goes Back To Baghdad -- CBS News

Last month, I finally made it back to Baghdad. I'd left on May 29, 2006, unconscious on a stretcher after my CBS News team and the 4th Infantry Division patrol we'd been covering walked into the path of a 300- to 500-pound car bomb.

The wall of shrapnel that tore through us took the lives of my colleagues, cameraman Paul Douglas and soundman James Brolan; the officer we'd been following, Army Capt. James Funkhouser; and his Iraqi translator, known as Sam. The explosion badly injured four other soldiers on the patrol.

Read more ....

My Comment: It feels like yesterday that I was watching the news and the story of her being injured in a car bomb attack.

Hmmmm ....the time certainly flies.

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