Tuesday, February 23, 2010

9/11 Terror Trials May Still Take Place In New York City

Attorney General Eric Holder speaks during a news conference on Monday. Wilson/Getty

AG Won't Rule Out New York For 9/11 trial -- CNN

Washington (CNN) -- Attorney General Eric Holder on Monday did not rule out the possibility that accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four accused accomplices would be tried in New York.

"We are in the process of trying to determine where the case will be tried," he told reporters after announcing that Najibullah Zazi had pleaded guilty Monday to conspiring with others to detonate explosives in the United States.

Asked whether New York City was still on the table, he said, "We are in the process of speaking with local officials trying to determine where that trial will occur."

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Update: Attorney General Eric Holder: 9/11 terror trial in New York City is still on the table -- New York Daily News

My Comment: I have two good contacts/friends who are Democrats and who work in the US Senate. I am sure they are thumping their heads right now on hearing what AG Holder is saying.

Almost everyone In New York City does not want the headaches and problems that will arise with a 9/11 trial in the city. They are many other excellent venues that can do the job effectively .... many of them not far away from the City. As to why AG Holder is so determined for the trial to occur in New Ork City .... that is an answer that only he or President Obama can answer.

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