Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Nature And A US Army Base Coexist

Jarrett Anderson, an Oak Ridge Institute of Science intern, built a nest for the red-cockaded woodpecker 18 feet up a longleaf pine tree in Fort Stewart, Ga. Stephen Morton for The New York Times

A Base for War Training, and Species Preservation -- New York Times

FORT STEWART, Ga. — Under crystalline winter skies, a light infantry unit headed for Iraq was practicing precision long-range shooting through a pall of smoke. But the fire generating the haze had nothing to do with the training exercise.

Staff members at the Army post had set the blaze on behalf of the red-cockaded woodpecker, an imperiled eight-inch-long bird that requires frequent conflagrations to preserve its pine habitat.

Read more ....

My Comment: 279,000 acres is a lot of land .... huge when you think about it.

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