Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is The American Century Over, And China's About To Begin?

Poll Shows Concern About American Influence Waning As China's Grows -- Washington Post

Facing high unemployment and a difficult economy, most Americans think the United States will have a smaller role in the world economy in the coming years, and many believe that while the 20th century may have been the "American Century," the 21st century will belong to China.

These results come from a new Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted during a time of significant tension between Washington and Beijing.

"China's on the rise," said Wayne Nunnery, 56, a retired U.S. Air Force employee from Bexar, Tex., who was one of 1,004 randomly selected adults polled. "I don't worry about a Chinese century, but I do wonder how it's going to be for my three sons."

Read more ....

Update #1: US-Sino tensions "dangerous game," U.S. panel told -- Reuters
Update #2: The Chinese Century?: The Numbers -- ABC News

My Comment: The US may doubt it's position in the world, but my Chinese friends believe (almost 100%) that this century .... and the next .... will be China's.

They say that perception ultimately becomes reality .... if true then the 21rst century is definitely China's.

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