Thursday, February 25, 2010

Israeli And Western Intelligence Agencies Are Still Working Together

Israeli: Mossad Hit Didn't Upset Intel Ties -- Washington Times

Says Western allies still cooperating.

The embarrassing trail left by a suspected Israeli hit team — a trail that began with doctored European passports, led to the assassination of a Palestinian terrorist in a Dubai hotel room, and ended on the front pages of world papers — has not worsened the country's intelligence cooperation with Western countries, a senior Israeli official insists.

"There is a lot of hyperventilating about this in the public arena," said the senior official, who asked not to be named because he was speaking about sensitive intelligence matters. The official said he was speaking only about the effects on intelligence links and was not confirming Israel's involvement in the hit.

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My Comment: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Islamic radicals and their allies are our enemies, and regardless of what is the fallout from the Dubai hit of a Hamas arms merchant, these intelligence agencies are not going to stop sharing information and intelligence.

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