Monday, February 22, 2010

More News On The Iran Sanctions Front

A picture shows the building housing the reactor of Bushehr nuclear power plant. Photo AFP

The Case For Gasoline Sanctions On Iran -- Reuel Marc Gerecht and Mark Dubowitz, Wall Street Journal

Tied to a vocal campaign for Iranian democracy, they just might be enough to destabilize the regime.

Are gasoline sanctions against Iran a bad idea? President Barack Obama appears to think so, despite endorsing the idea twice during his election campaign. Although the administration wants to use tougher sanctions to make Tehran stop its uranium enrichment, the White House hasn't pushed refined-petroleum sanctions. The Islamic Republic imports around 40% of its gasoline. Without plentiful petrol, Iranians might grow angry, so the administration worries, and rally around the regime.

Read more ....

More News On The Possibility Of Sanctions Against Iran

Europe divided over tougher Iran sanctions -- AFP
U.S. Plots Path to U.N. Sanctions Against Iran -- FOX News
Report builds Iran sanctions case: US -- AFP
Israeli PM renews call for Iran oil embargo -- AFP
Israel urges Iran oil embargo even without U.N. okay -- Reuters
Iran to Build More Enrichment Plants -- New York Times
Countdown to atomic Ayatollahs -- Benny Avni, New York Post
Obama's Gamble To Talk Iran Out of a Nuclear Weapon Has Failed -- Richard Grenell, Huffington Post

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