Friday, February 26, 2010

Playing Politics With Our Intelligence Agents

GOP Cries Foul Over Amendment To Intel Bill -- The Hill

House Republicans are charging Democrats with trying to sneak a provision into the intelligence authorization bill that would establish criminal punishment for CIA agents and other intelligence officials who engage in “cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” during interrogations.

Democrats inserted an 11-page addition into the bill late Wednesday night as the House Rules Committee considered the legislation.

Read more ....

Update #1: A Wrinkle In the Intelligence Debate -- The Atlantic

Update #2: With world watching health summit, Dems sneak in bill to punish CIA -- Byron York, Washington Examiner

My Comment: This legislation in its present form will be withdrawn for the simple reason being that the President will veto it. The reason why is best summed up by Marc Ambinder from the Atlantic ....

.... The White House isn't happy; they've already threatened to veto the bill because it, in their mind, it infringes upon the rights of the executive branch by forcing the administration to disclose more about intelligence operations to more members of Congress -- Section 321. ....

My prediction .... this amendment will be withdrawn after this weekend.

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