Monday, February 22, 2010

Pouring Cold Water On A Military Option Against Iran

The Natanz uranium enrichment site. Digital Globe - ISIS, January 2006

Iran Strike Won't Be Decisive -- Straits Times

WASHINGTON - THE top US military officer warned on Monday that any strike against Iran would not be 'decisive' in countering Teheran's nuclear program.

Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said he supported using diplomatic and economic pressure against Iran and repeated his view that military action could carry 'unintended consequences.' 'No strike, however effective, will be in and of itself decisive,' Adm. Mullen told a press conference after recently returning from a visit to the Middle East.

Read more ....

More News On A Military Strike Against Iran's Nuclear Facilties

'Military strike won't stop Iran's nuclear program' -- Haaretz
Mullen: Strike on Iran won't be decisive -- Ynet News
Military strike can't decisively counter Iran's nuclear program: Mullen -- Xinhuanet
War game shows how attacking Iran could backfire -- Kansas City/McClatchy News
Israel should heed Obama's warning not to strike Iran -- Haaretz Editorial

My Comment: During this debate on the viability of hindering Iran's nuclear program by launching a military strike on its more sensitive facilities, we learn that they openly transported 94% of their nuclear material to an open facility for processing last week. The Guardian reporter then asks a valid question .... Is Tehran deliberately inviting an air strike?

Hmmm .... I honestly don't know the answer to that one.

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