Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Rules Of Engagement Are Hindering US/Afghan Forces

General MacChrystal, Commander of ISAF Forces (left) and Brig Gen. James Cowan walk through the town of Showal Photo: Julian Simmonds/The Telegraph

Some Troops Say Strict Rules Of Engagement Slow Their Advance On Taliban Stronghold -- Chicago Tribune/AP

MARJAH, Afghanistan (AP) — Some American and Afghan troops say they're fighting the latest offensive in Afghanistan with a handicap — strict rules that routinely force them to hold their fire.

Although details of the new guidelines are classified to keep insurgents from reading them, U.S. troops say the Taliban are keenly aware of the restrictions.

Read more ....

My Comment:
Be nice to the enemy .... yup .... it is amazing that there are serious people in Washington DC and in Afghanistan who actually believe that such rules of engagement will work.

Sigh .... good Americans are going to die needlessly because someone in the chain in command and his political/military superiors in the States are scared that an Afghan family may get killed in a crossfire.

My prediction .... a few years from now when NATO and allied forces leave the country .... the politicians will pat each other on their backs and proclaim success and "peace in our time". Two years after that .... the Taliban will be marching into Kabul proclaimed as victors and heroes while they go about slaughtering all those Afghans who believed in us and our policy towards engaging the enemy.

Plus ca change ... plus c'est le meme chose. The more things change .... the more they stay the same. In Afghanistan's case .... repeating history is one thing that I am sure will happen.

Update: U.S. Troops In Marjah Threatened By Lawyers -- Strategy Page
Rules of Engagement rears its ugly head...again. -- Snafu

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