Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Social Networks Can Only Go So Far To Support A Revolution

Iran, Facebook, And The Limits Of Online Activism -- Foreign Policy

The green movement's Internet leaders are learning the perils and pitfalls of online organizing -- the hard way.

A group of Iran's green movement activists had a grand and detailed vision for what was supposed to happen on Feb. 11. They called it a "Trojan Horse" strategy: Backers of opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi, camouflaged in unassuming attire, would attend the official regime-backed rally commemorating the 31st anniversary of the Islamic Revolution. Then, at a pre-arranged time, they would assemble in front of the cameras of the foreign news media, reveal themselves as enthusiasts of the green movement, and denounce the brutality of the government for all the world to see.

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My Comment: A sober view on the limits of social networks in authoritarian countries. A must read.

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