Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Battle Of Crossing Point One

The fight goes on: 5 platoon No 2 Company 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards

'It Was Like Zulu' -- The Telegraph

How British troops in Afghanistan fought to the point of exhaustion against the Taliban.

It became known as “the battle of Crossing Point One”. In a series of suicidal attacks late last year, hard-core Taliban fighters tried to over-run an isolated British base on the northern tip of Nad e’Ali. Had the insurgents succeeded, the victory would have been a propaganda coup par excellence, and the British mission in central Helmand could have been seriously jeopardised.

Read more ....

My Comment: the American press on focused on battles like Wanat, but British, Canadians, and other NATO allies are just as involved in this war. The above Telegraph story puts this all into perspective.

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