Thursday, March 11, 2010

China Crackdown In Tibet

Troops march through Lhasa today in a show of strength by the Chinese authorities
Photo from Times Online

China Increases Security In Tibet To Prevent Protests -- New York Times

BEIJING — For a second straight year, the Chinese government has increased security across parts of the vast Tibetan plateau to dissuade any Tibetans from holding protests this week to mark the anniversaries of ethnic uprisings. Witnesses who have spent time recently in Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, and other Tibetan areas of western China say there are more police and paramilitary forces on the streets, some of them bearing automatic weapons.

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More News On Tibet

Hundreds rounded up in Tibet crackdown -- Times Online
Police, military crackdown in Tibet on anniversary -- AFP
Nepal: Tibet Uprising Anniversary Exposes Growing Rift -- Global Voices
Tibetan Activists Mark Anniversary of 1959 Uprising -- Voice of America
China indicates hard line on Dalai Lama succession -- AFP
Dalai Lama Expresses 'Little Hope' for Progress With China on Tibetan Issue -- Voice of America
'Little hope' of resolving Tibet issue: Dalai Lama -- AFP
China accuses Dalai Lama as Tibet anniversary looms -- AFP

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